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Get In The Fight

"All people are the same; only their habits differ." Confucius.

TRAPEX empowers those seeking to be the best version of themselves. We believe everyone controls the levers to their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our experience identifying, prioritizing, and implementing the tools used by elite organizations and high-performing individuals makes us a potent ally to the aspirational.

"Empowering the aspirational." This is our commitment to those who realize we are in a fight. A fight that has been thrust upon us. Processed food attacks our health. The media attacks our focus. Consumerism attacks our sense of satisfaction. Social media attacks our attention. Television attacks our time. Political propaganda attacks our sense of unity. Pharmaceutical companies offer solutions that undermine our independence and sense of self. Our desires, thoughts, priorities, ambitions, and allegiances are bombarded by efforts to influence, control, and monetize them.

Like it or not, you are at war. Fighting it will not guarantee victory, but not fighting ensures your defeat. Regrettably, most of us do not even go down fighting; we submit to the comforts of indulgence. Overweight, unhealthy, anxious, depressed, medicated. The numbers don’t lie. 93 percent of Americans are cardio-vascularly unfit, 88 percent are metabolically unhealthy, and 70 percent are overweight or obese. Sixty six percent of us are on prescription drugs. More than 50% of US adults suffer at least one chronic illness. More than 25% suffer from a diagnosable mental condition. These numbers are not unrelated. It doesn't have to be this way, and the path to health and wellness can be easier than most people believe.

Perhaps you have fought to the top of your chosen profession, but the casualties of your war include your waistline, health, energy, motivation, or sense of fulfillment. You can recapture your vigor, enthusiasm, and purpose. The right levers applied against the most impactful factors will initiate seismic change in your life. It won't be miraculous. You will have to do the work. But for those who truly seek it, sustainable progress is imminently achievable. Many repeatedly try, only to backslide into old habits and comfortable ruts. Our best-laid plans fall prey to contact with the real world. With the right ally on the right path, we can break that cycle.

We need practical tools and accountability in our daily battle to realize our best selves in the face of an environment scientifically designed to take advantage of our most basic human weaknesses. Social media platforms modeled on slot machines are intended to capture our time. Engineers (not chefs) concoct food-like substances with bliss points intended to addict. Companies spend billions researching and developing products and marketing tactics designed to separate us from our money, time, and loved ones. Clickbait headlines are designed to capture our attention by appealing to our biologically hardwired desire for novelty. And none of this even begins to speak to our inherent personal shortcomings: self-doubt, procrastination, a tendency to self-sabotage, or any of the other demons we all wrestle over the course of a day or a lifetime.

TRAPEX will help you create a strategic and personalized development plan to achieve your most important goals. Together, we will outline specific tactics that will serve as your path to progress. The path less taken. The path to living the life you choose to live. Not the path of least resistance. Not the path chosen for you by your employer or marketers, influencers, celebrities, and television executives. The blueprint will be goal-oriented but process-driven, ensuring consistency and persistence; grounded in root principles and critical thinking, not dogma or conformity; and skeptical of reductionist consumer solutions to concerns of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

If your goals can be accomplished by a distracted, lethargic, or unhealthy version of yourself, they are not worthy of you. Expect more of yourself. Demand more of yourself. Excellence will be a daily battle. Get in the fight.

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